Health Literacy Connections
(Formerly Plain Language Works)

Get Connected
to expert health literacy and plain language coaching, consulting, training, and resources.

We Can Help Your Organization...

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    Meet Goals
    Meet your organization’s goals around improving communication to empower people to take action. Address costs, health outcomes, quality, satisfaction, legal risks, market share, and more with health literacy strategies.
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    Grow, spread, and embed health literacy practices in your organization. Don't start health literacy work only to have it become "the flavor of the month." Let us help you integrate it in ways that make it relevant, valuable, and enduring.
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    Engage, educate, and empower patients and families, clients, consumers, and other audiences. Plain language information and easy-to-use systems improve the consumer and patient experience and empowers them to take action.
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    Provide effective, understandable plain language information for patients, clients, consumers, and the public. We assess, develop, and revise print information using internationally-recognized plain language principles.